UBC Scarfe Lab Accounts
Hot off the Presses! We’ve had many students and instructors asking about registering for computer lab accounts since the closure of Room 1. Just this week, we received the following information: “With the closure of Room 1, students can now register for computer lab accounts in the Education Library. All the public computers now have […]
iPad Possibilities
Moving from a knowledge-transfer teaching stance towards a more personalized and active approach where students are co-creating knowledge is within reach in many of today’s classrooms. The iPad as an innovative and accessible technology affords so many possibilities. With it’s long battery life, built in messaging, camera, GPS and accelerometer, the iPad truly does allow […]
Become a Discovery Educator
Looking for a digital media library? Wishing to Connect with educators who are passionate about using digital media? Want to share with and learn from others? Visit: http://www.discoveryeducation.com/community/about.cfm Become a STAR Discovery Educator. It’s easy. Just remember STAR: S – Share something you’ve learned about using Discovery Education resources with your colleagues T – Teach […]
Tech Integrated Lesson Planning
Like all good lesson planning, planning with a mind to technology integration should begin with your learning outcomes – not necessarily just the Ministry Prescribed “PLO’s”, but also your ‘big picture’ goals and learning targets. Consider HOW your students will share, develop, create and apply knowledge and how you will assess their learning. Further, you’ll […]
iPad Possibilities
Technology use for technology’s sake is not what we are striving for in education today. Transforming learning by providing opportunities that would not otherwise be afforded is a goal that, with emerging technologies and increased access, may be achievable. This transformation can be as simple as allowing for as-needed differentiation, as is the case when […]