UBC Blog Tutorial 3 – Creating a Custom Menu
A custom menu can allow you to easily change the main navigation of your site away from the ‘default’ navigation the theme provides (either alphabetical or in order of creation). This can make your site feel more well-planned and allow your ideas to flow. Further, it affords the opportunity to add ‘categories’ to your main […]
Canva : creating free infographics
Canva is a web-based and IOS application that you can use to create attractive infographics such as logos, blog banners and invitations. It allows users to use its drag-and-drop feature with professional layouts to design their own creative graphics. With their Free version, you can use templates and invite people to collaborate and share their […]
UBC Blog Tutorial 4 – Changing Privacy Settings
As a teacher creating a blog or portfolio, protecting privacy isn’t just about protecting yourself but is also about being mindful of your students. As you build your blog, you’ll want to ensure that you protect student privacy – please note that you may upload student work product and images (with appropriate permissions and/or with […]
Exploring Electrostatics – Physics Video Tutorial
This video presents a simple demonstration in exploring electrostatic phenomena using commonly available materials. Both the teachers and students can easily follow the procedures and minimal supervision is needed. created using Camtasia by Teacher Candidates in EDCP 357 December 2016 as part of an in-class assignment supported by Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin along with her GAAs […]
Tech integration in your Math classroom
Tech integration in math class is more than bringing a graphing calculator to class nowadays. With a wealth of digital resources on the web, math class can benefit from activating strategies that bring in familiar technologies and real world problems. With technology doing the bulk of calculations and solving formulas, tech integration in education opens […]