Create, Make, Innovate: gets hands on with learning design!

Get hands on with learning design!

September 10th: Planting seeds (of learning and ‘in real life’)
September 17th: Making a Connection! Paper Circuits Squishy Circuits
September 24th: 3 Stitching Things Together! Drop-Spindles & Textiles
October 1st: Removing the Stitches! Recyclart & Repurposing Textiles
October 8th: Mixing it up! Multimedia/Multimodal
October 15th: “Sharpening Your Mind” CBC Pre-Practicum Session
November 12th: Simple Machines & Engineering
November 26th: 3D Design & CAD Software

Learning takes time, and no one values time more than teachers! So why offer a brief drop-in activity over lunchtime? The idea behind Make, Create, Innovate is to prompt teacher candidates and provoke their questions, just as we would with younger students. Learning does take time, a lifetime, and from that perspective, teachers can more readily perceive their role as helping students ask questions and make connections of their own.

To help students participate more actively during classtime, a key step for teachers is to begin with an activity and several guiding questions and hold off offering concepts and explanations until later. Designing a lesson this way helps focus the students by sparking their curiosity (Dani, Hartman, & Helfrich, 2018).

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