“Explain Everything” : l’application du tableau blanc interactif
Explain Everything est une application de présentation dans le style du «tableau blanc». C’est également un puissant outil de narration et d’apprentissage qui permet aux élèves de collaborer et de travailler sur le même projet. Explain Everything permet de concevoir et créer des contenus multimédia avec la vidéo, l’audio, des images importées ou dessinées, du […]
Multimedia Presentation and Storytelling
BEd Teacher Candidates (TCs) this year will have opportunities to flex their digital technology muscles by creating presentations for course assignments and by planning ways to engage their own students on practicum in using digital technologies. In particular, elementary TCs in most sections of LLED 350 Classroom Discourses will create a multi-media presentation in response […]
Microsoft’s response to creating a more interactive presentation tool that allows users to become creators as they embed pictures, videos, and more into a customizable slidedeck. This allows Teachers to create relevant materials for introducing content and also provides students with a “digital storytelling” platform. Many students (and Teachers!) may have access to a free Microsoft Account in […]
Storytellers can bring life to words as they weave together details that create beautiful imagery in your mind and now there’s a digital tool that can bring those images to life. Storybird is a cloud-based tool that allows students and teachers to select from a variety of high-quality images and artworks to tell a story. […]
Let this cloud-based video creation service seamlessly pair templates and music to your own choice of photos or videos for an elegant presentation. You can use it as an educator to create video slideshows or allow your students a different approach to presenting. We want to give choice to students so they have ownership over how […]