Les Petits Pois lisent tout & Sophie Lit
Les Petit Pois lisent tout est un conseil canadien de lecture pour les 6 à 12 ans. Un groupe d’enseignant.e.s, bibliothécaires, parents et fanatiques de la lecture de jeunesse ont créé un site qui donne non seulement un résumé et une petite critique / avis du livre mais aussi le niveau de lecture. Pour les […]
TeachBC is a repository of Open Educational Resources (OERs) including teaching resources, lesson plans, and unit plans relevant to the K-12 BC Curriculum. Resources are provided by teachers and typically non-profit organizations uploading their materials or providing links so that anyone can browse and download them to then freely use, adapt, or modify for their classroom. All […]
Google Street View: Explore natural wonders and world landmarks
Google Street View is a fun way to create your own 360 panoramic pictures and to engage in a 360 experience of places shared by others. Below is a live example: Google Street View can help students visualize and understand the world around them. By using Google Street view, students have the opportunity to explore, […]
Ceramics and Tech Integration: Lesson Plans and Ideas to Start Exploring
Do you feel some subject areas have less space for tech integration than others? While some subjects tend to incorporate computers and gadgets more easily than others, all subjects can benefit from small or large-scale digital innovations in the classroom. Even within the area of Pottery and Ceramics, there’s room to explore! We have compiled […]
ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard
ShowMe Interactive whiteboard app is a mobile application that allows teachers and students of any age to create presentations called ShowMe’s that can be shared via the device or online privately or to a community audience. The user can record and create engaging voice over presentations of their chosen topic by using some of the […]