Arts Integration
Inspired by the place based, time based environmental art of Andrew Goldsworthy and others, Alison Diesvelt’s section of EDST301 experimented with digital photography and created a virtual Mandala on a Padlet page. The whole thing began with a walk to the beach on a sunny winter’s day to create the ‘real world’ Mandalas in the […]
Become a Discovery Educator
Looking for a digital media library? Wishing to Connect with educators who are passionate about using digital media? Want to share with and learn from others? Visit: Become a STAR Discovery Educator. It’s easy. Just remember STAR: S – Share something you’ve learned about using Discovery Education resources with your colleagues T – Teach […]
Tech Integrated Lesson Planning
Like all good lesson planning, planning with a mind to technology integration should begin with your learning outcomes – not necessarily just the Ministry Prescribed “PLO’s”, but also your ‘big picture’ goals and learning targets. Consider HOW your students will share, develop, create and apply knowledge and how you will assess their learning. Further, you’ll […]