In the spring of 2020 and 21, many teacher candidates were involved in designing learning opportunities for students in remote or non-face to face environments. The following resources were rapidly developed to support this « new work ». Many linked resources and posts are relevant to in person instruction and/hybrid learning or home-school support. If you’re looking for something to support blended, hybrid or other online learning options, please be in touch.
from May 2020:
I wanted to provide you with some resources to support ‘Continuity of Learning’ in BC Education. These resources are aimed at assisting you as you work with your students and school advisor to develop and adapt curricular materials. In doing so you will continue to develop your professional competencies and understanding of media and digital literacies.

Click to expand!Graphical representation of some of the modes of learning in place across BC created on MindMup – YD
As guests in your school advisors’ learning environment or ‘classroom’, you will take your cues from them. They will determine the instructional model(s) for how learning will continue according to district directives, taking into consideration the individual learners and learning needs of their students and families during this unprecedented time.
As you are aware, learning in this new environment is an evolving process and is largely dependent on context (e.g., student access to resources, including books, technologies and wifi; experience and age level of students; parents’ and caregivers’ facilitation of learning). To this end, I’ve tried to provide high tech, moderate tech and, as much as possible, low to no tech suggestions within each resource. Your SA and FA are your guides and you will consult with them to ensure any activity, approach or tool suggested is appropriate for your learning context. While this is a most unusual practicum experience, it is also a unique opportunity to contribute, to demonstrate initiative, to create and to innovate! As always, please be in touch with your questions and to share your ideas. I would LOVE to add TC created content to the emerging set of resources below!
Thinking of you and ‘here’ to help,
Yvonne and the Scarfe Sandbox support team (students: Belen, Nashwa, Eric)
Register for Virtual Office hours Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays or email and we will be in touch:
Starting Points
- Access the BC Ministry Continuity of Learning Planning Guide for Teachers
- Review the FAQ from the BC Ministry regarding Continuity of Learning.
- Check your respective district’s website for information, guidelines, policies and recommendations. You will likely find it of interest to see what messaging has gone to parents and what resources are available. It is your responsibility to become educated about expectations and to consult with your SA and FA proactively as needed.
- Understanding Synchronous (in real time) and Asynchronous Learning (Options, approaches and tools) – see concept map graphic.
- Designing for online learning (for those using a learning management system to teach online): Videos from UBC’s Educational Technology Support Team to support effective online learning pedagogy.
- MS Office 365 – is your SA using Office 365 and MS Learning Tools as an LMS (learning management system)? resources and blog posts are available for educators, families and work from home including Minecraft Edu. Follow @MicrosoftEduCanada and @Surrey365 SD36’s daily Office 365 tips
- Google Classroom – is your SA using google classroom as an LMS? Google has provided these resources to support remote learning (some of the tips are transferable to other platforms – ex. Tips on web conferencing. @alicekeeler and @GoogleForEdu are good twitter follows for those using this suite of resources.
- Consider professionalism in an online or remote learning context. What does it mean to be professional? How do you stand out as an emerging professional?
Important background for TCs
- Copyright and Creative Commons
- Protecting student privacy – FIPPA and related considerations
- Protecting your privacy – some things to think about
- Tips for communicating with children and families
- Professionalism in an online community (establishing norms of professionalism, conduct for self, co-create with your students in consult with SA)
Planning Resources
Please note that we’re adding resources over the next while so please check back (each of the bullet points below will be ‘built out’ with curated resource links and teaching suggestions and possibilities). Can’t find what you need? Please let us know what you’re looking for. Suggest a Resource
- Classroom climate:
- Social Emotional Learning considerations and resources
- Say hello and/or re-introduce yourself (create a video, visual and/or text message) – these don’t have to be professional videos but be thoughtful about the content. What might you share that your students will connect with?
- Staying active and healthy – body & brain breaks, learning outdoors, #homefun, more…
- Provide for student voice and choice – choice boards & more
- Establishing guidelines and protocols for peer to peer communication and collaboration
- Know your learners: Class and student profiles
- Design effective lesson hooks to engage students
- Using images to inspire, spark, provoke thinking
- OK – Classroom Management – what does this mean in our current context? (but you get that all of the above and always being prepared for teaching is class management)
- Literacy:
- Read alouds (free online and make your own using copyright appropriate resources)
- Questioning – effective questions & provocations in remote teaching – how to propel critical thinking when you’re not ‘there’
- Screen casting and video creation – tools, practices and potential uses
- Media Smarts Canadian media literacy lessons & resources (sortable by province, grade level, curricular area, theme)
- Numeracy:
- PHET (free open access) and GIZMOS (paid with some free use) simulations for Math and Science
- Math outside the classroom
- Resource Collections
- BC Ministry Keep Learning (a guide for parents) and Open School BC (resources for teachers))
- Open Ed Resources
- First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) Continuous learning resource collection for K – adult
- Indigenous Ed and FPPL resources
- Walking Curriculum: learning outside
- Assessment
- How might students share their learning process and progress? Check out digital portfolios!
- Self and peer assessment
- Criteria and Rubrics
- Nuts and Bolts – bits and pieces of digi tech stuff
- How do I block my cell number when making a call?
- How do I apply a digital signature to a document?
Didn’t find what you need? Please let us know what you’re looking for: Suggest a Resource
- Currently I physically sit and work on the unceded and traditional territories of the Semiahmoo people while the lands on which the student project team and this virtual space is housed is that of the Musqueam peoples. As always, I am privileged to live, work, play and learn (virtually or in person) on the traditional and unceded territories of the Coast Salish peoples.
- To my PLN – I am grateful for the ongoing support and sharing of hundreds of educators across BC, Canada and the world. I’ve found, curated, adapted and created resources specific to remote teaching through participation in social media and other professional channels. Link backs and individual credit provided in posts as appropriate. If I’ve missed credits, please let me know! ~ @yvonnedtechtalk