The Art Canada Institute (ACI), is a not-for-profit charity and educational organization based at Massey College at the University of Toronto. In collaboration with Canadian teachers and cultural advisors, they have developed over 40 Teacher Resources Guides, available for free in both English and French, to enable K-12 educators to teach cross-curricular subjects through art.
Developed in accordance with national education recommendations, these guides include step-by-step lesson plans, classroom activities, and ready-to-download Power Point slide decks that cover topics including Indigenous history; Truth and Reconciliation; Black, Asian and Women’s history; Climate Change, Human Rights in Canada and many more.
Research has shown that learning through the arts has a positive impact on student learning and can benefit engagement. Pre-service and in-service teachers will benefit from access to free, high-quality Canadian-made, open-source resources in both French and English.
- Visit the Teacher Resource Guides on the ACI website
- Search by keyword, Sort and filter by grade level(s) and subject area(s)
- filter features the ability to plan for multi-age and interdisciplinary learning!
- You can also access ‘Independent student learning activities’
- While on their website, you may wish to explore further. Visit the ACI Home Page and check out the ‘Explore Canadian Art’ menu!