SandboxSkype_MysterySkype Handout
On Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015, the Scarfe Digital Sandbox hosted a ‘Mystery Animal Skype Session’. We Skyped with a kindergarten class who are learning about animals and will participate in a “20 questions style” video conference where they try to guess our animal and we try to guess theirs. This is another version of the Mystery Skype held in the fall where we tried to guess ‘where in the world’ another class was located!
There should also be some time to ask the class and/or the teacher a few questions about the value of Skype sessions from their unique perspectives.
The Purpose of our session was to recognize the potential value in video conferencing across grade levels and become aware of some of the easily accessible resources available via ‘Skype in the Classroom’.
When Scarfe 155 at 1:00pm; March 3rd, 2015 (It will be about 1/2 hr plus some time to debrief if you can stay, but you are welcome to leave following the Skype session if needed…. I realize time is often tight!). We’ll ‘wrap up’ for sure before 2pm. Bring your lunch if you wish!
Please RSVP by email (space is limited to approx 15 participants)
“We can no longer live in a world in which information is scarce, and the teacher’s role is to hand deliver content to children. The old certainties of a world defined by four classroom walls and impermeable dependencies and complex systems that require flexibility, responsiveness, and imagination boundaries have disappeared forever, replaced by global interconnectedness.” (Jacobsen et al., 2002, p.364)
Jacobsen, M., Clifford, P., & Friesen, S. (2002). Preparing teachers for technology integration: Creating a culture of inquiry in the context of use. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2(3), 363-388.