Playdough for Everyone
Playdough is a tactile educational tool that can be used as a way to incorporate creativity and kinesthetic learning into lessons. It is inexpensive and easy to make using available kitchen ingredients (flour, salt, water & oil). Playdough can be used throughout the curriculum for all ages: it can be an effective form of experiential […]
Living and Teaching the First Peoples Principles
Whether you are new to the profession or a seasoned professional, teachers in BC are called to consider how they might incorporate the First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL) into their classrooms and schools. Why? The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and the BC curriculum requires teachers to consider and incorporate […]
Taking a Class Temperature
Taking a class temperature means checking in with students to see how they are doing. By checking the emotional temperature of the students (ex. seeing how students are feeling, their energy level, etc.) teachers can better understand what their students need and what they are capable of doing in that moment. In this way, teachers […]
Classroom Management & Relationship Building
It is of utmost importance that teachers establish the norms, cultures, and routines of the classroom from the very first day of school. Building relationships in a trusting environment (where students are given a voice and choice over their learning) is key to compliance. In this session, ideas and tools will be shared on how […]
Embodied Learning: physical engagement and digital tech integration
Embodied, for our purposes, means that the learner has initiated a physical gesture or movement that is well-mapped or linked to the content to be learned.