9 responses to “The BC Digital Literacy Framework”

  1. Janet Smith

    Is it possible to purchase the Digital Literacy in BC (hexagonal graphic organiser) as a poster?

    1. yvonne dawydiak

      Hi Janet, thanks for asking! The student who created it as part of a project we did shared it as a creative commons, with attribution, non-commercial image. You are welcome to download it at no cost as long as you ‘share alike’. You can print, share electronically etc. I suspect the quality may not work for a larger poster… I’ll have a look in my files to see if I have a pdf that might work better. If so, i’ll update with a link.

  2. Greg Gerber

    Hello Yvonne,
    I am wondering if you have been able to locate the higher quality pdf of the Digital Literacy in BC (hexagonal graphic organiser) as per your last comment?
    If so, could you send it to me as well?
    Thank you!

  3. Marj Gumayagay

    Hi Yvonne,

    Can I have a copy of the high quality pdf version of the Digital Literacy in BC (hexagonal graphic organiser) as well? Can you update this post with a link to it, or alternatively can you send it to me?


    1. yvonne dawydiak

      Hi Marj, I’m afraid I’ve had difficulty locating the original copy. I plan to have someone remake it so we have a higher quality version and will share that in the post but, for now, we’re stuck with the jpg. Glad you’ve found it useful!

  4. Ginger Alexander

    I found the author of this document when looking for something else! His name is John Lim. Here is a link to his page where he posted ithttps://limscience.wordpress.com/2017/08/20/b-c-s-digital-literacy-framework/

    1. kapoho17

      Thank you Ginger! Yes, that’s a link to a post by John, who provided the image to us! He was doing his CFE (community field experience) for our Ed Tech Support Unit at the time!

  5. Julia Hengstler

    It should be noted that BC’s Digital Literacy Framework was not part of the “new” BC curriculum. It actually predated the new curriculum by some years (2015) and was ahead of its time. Unfortunately, due to shifting priorities (political and educational) it was never taken up the way it should have been at the time.
    See Media Smarts page: https://mediasmarts.ca/teacher-resources/digital-media-literacy-outcomes-province-territory/british-columbia/digital-literacy

    1. kapoho17

      Yes, thank you for this important reminder Julia. I like to introduce TCs to the BC DIgital Lit Framework as I feel it still captures essential competencies for teachers today. I do wish it were more central to the current ‘redesigned’ BC curriculum.

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