Have you ever wanted to share a video but don’t want to upload to Youtube? Are you trying to embed a video in a Canvas discussion or assignment and find you’re low on space or it’s taking too long to load?
As UBC Faculty, Staff or Students, you have the option of using Kaltura – a UBC housed video platform. Using Kaltura, you can upload (apparently!) unlimited video content. This platform is also connected directly with our Learning Management System, Canvas, so an efficient use of time when creating and sharing video or lecture capture in a course. You can create your own channels, upload private or public video, share video with individuals or channels and even embed publicly on a website, a learning management system (like Canvas), in a tweet or instagram post depending on the privacy settings you select. You can edit, narrate and annotate video you upload and even share and comment on videos within a channel. One of my favourite features is adding ‘pause and reflect’ points in videos using the ‘quiz’ tool. To get started, login using your CWL to https://learning.video.ubc.ca/
FIPPA compliant and secure housing for your personal videos can help protect your data privacy. With appropriate permissions/consent in place, sharing to Kaltura instead of a public or unlisted youtube link can also protect your student’s privacy. Because it is integrated with Canvas, UBC’s Learning Management System, students and faculty can record videos through Kaltura within Canvas or embed videos they upload to Kaltura; this saves their upload quota in Canvas and also helps to optimize the video for those viewing it. The Kaltura tool in Canvas looks like a multi-coloured asterix/star: