Multimedia Creation: Video Editing and Screen Casting
(Way back…) in 1996, the New London Group postulated that “literacy pedagogy now must account for the burgeoning variety of text forms associated with information and multimedia technologies” Spring ahead a few decades and it is clear that multiliteracy, including the ability to create multimedia has an increasingly essential place in today’s world. Today, multimodal […]
Known also as fab labs, tinkering areas, or hackerspaces, makerspaces are generally areas where people can gather to make, create, and experiment with a variety of materials and tools. As the name suggests, makerspaces are spaces where people can make stuff. While these creations are often physical things, digital productions can also be included. Varying […]
Know Do Understand (KDU): a starting point in planning
The BC curriculum’s more concept and competency based curriculum, expects that teachers combine Big Ideas, Contents, and Competencies as they plan learning experiences for their students. The purpose is to create clear goals which will guide teachers to design assessments and activities to develop concepts and skills in their students. The “Know-Do-Understand” Model (KDU) can […]
Kaltura: Media housing and sharing without Youtube!
Have you ever wanted to share a video but don’t want to upload to Youtube? Are you trying to embed a video in a Canvas discussion or assignment and find you’re low on space or it’s taking too long to load? As UBC Faculty, Staff or Students, you have the option of using Kaltura – […]
Watch, Share, Talk about Videos in Sync A UBC Launchpad project was recently built by UBC students as a part of a university software engineering design club. Sync is a synchronous Youtube streaming app which enables you to share, watch, and discuss videos with your friends, colleagues, and students. It is […]