The Critical Role of Digital Literacy – Teaching in a World surrounded by “Fake News”.
In the age of information, the internet and digital technology have changed the boundaries of education and finding information online is now easier than ever. The internet is a great tool for student-led learning, but also a dangerous one. Before students can access the power of digital information, they need to understand how it can […]
Avoid Death by Powerpoint! Take your presentations to the next-level with the power of storytelling using digital resources.
Today’s post is dedicated to playfully shunning one of the most used digital tools for student learning in modern times: PowerPoint! A software that has become essential to teaching. At some point in our classes, we may find ourselves sitting down in a darkened room, looking at a large white screen, waiting for some technical […]
OEC: Open Educational Courses
Open Educational Courses (OEC) are one type of Open Educational Resource (OER). OER’s, according to UNESCO, are “teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with […]