The Critical Role of Digital Literacy – Teaching in a World surrounded by “Fake News”.
In the age of information, the internet and digital technology have changed the boundaries of education and finding information online is now easier than ever. The internet is a great tool for student-led learning, but also a dangerous one. Before students can access the power of digital information, they need to understand how it can […]
Setting Our Sights on Virtual Reality
Virtual realities (VR) are computer-created environments in which people can interact with what has been programmed or, when linked to some kind of network or on-line access, with each other. Typically, users wear some kind of headset or goggles to facilitate their sensory experience, which is primarily visual (sometimes fully 360°) and perhaps aural and/or […]
Green Screen #wormholechallenge videos
The #wormholechallenge seems to have emerged on Twitter over the past few weeks spurred on by some improvements in iMovie that make ‘green screen’ videos highly accessible to those with the free mobile App or the full iMovie application on iOS. Using any green (or blue) background, you can create the appearance of a wormhole […]
VR Tours & Literacy
NOTE: As of June 2021, Google Tour Creator is being discontinued (and this post and accompanying video resources will be archived/removed) Have you considered how 360° video, images, Augmented and Virtual Reality might help spark your students’ creativity and, perhaps, engage them in the ‘place’ or setting of a novel? In the past, such technologies […]
Star Viewing Apps
These are apps that provide an immersive and augmented viewing of the stars, planets, and sometimes even space stations or satellites! They allow students to recognize and experience the locations of various stars in relation to themselves. It’s a powerful tool that promotes questioning, deeper understanding, and engagement because students can rotate their devices to […]