Tech integration in math class is more than bringing a graphing calculator to class nowadays. With a wealth of digital resources on the web, math class can benefit from activating strategies that bring in familiar technologies and real world problems. With technology doing the bulk of calculations and solving formulas, tech integration in education opens up space to focus on problem solving, modelling, and simulating.

Moving beyond the worksheet-like practice of facts using one of the many popular apps is of value in today’s elementary math classroom! If we are seeking to develop deeper understanding of math concepts with our students, we must look to more authentic ways to integrate technology. Below are some links that might support this in your classroom:

Graphing stories is a collaboration between Dan Meyer (an excellent speaker and someone I follow on Twitter) and BuzzMath. Real life situations are presented on video and students are challenged to graph what they see. http://www.graphingstories.com/
Visit the MathMunch Blog (a Weekly Digest of the Mathematical Internet) for some tremendous ideas, videos and links to help you explore various math concepts with your class. One post looks at Math Art Tools (or, as I like to call it with my elementary students Math + Art = MArt)
We know that looking at mistakes can help us to develop an understanding of concepts. Teachers could use Math Mistakes as an activating strategy at the beginning of a lesson or unit. Students and teachers can work through a variety of problems to determine where the ‘solver’ went wrong.
Supports for learning to teach math available online (not ‘tech integrated’ but some decent resources and suggestions for teaching can be found on MathWire. Visit Math lab for video segments and descriptions of effective math lessons facilitated by master teachers.
Whatever you do, try to engage students through hands on learning and exploration. Consider Inquiry in your math class. Provide an essential question and facilitate as students explore & discover the key vocabulary and the concepts.