Tech integration in your Math classroom
Tech integration in math class is more than bringing a graphing calculator to class nowadays. With a wealth of digital resources on the web, math class can benefit from activating strategies that bring in familiar technologies and real world problems. With technology doing the bulk of calculations and solving formulas, tech integration in education opens […]
Interactive WhiteBoards – Make some Magic
I recently came across a rather fanciful marketing video about Smart Boards that kind of blew my mind and also challenged me to consider the potential and possibilities of this technology. There are many Smartboards sitting idly in classrooms or being used as expensive projection systems across our districts (and in our own building here […]
Tech Integrated Lesson Planning
Like all good lesson planning, planning with a mind to technology integration should begin with your learning outcomes – not necessarily just the Ministry Prescribed “PLO’s”, but also your ‘big picture’ goals and learning targets. Consider HOW your students will share, develop, create and apply knowledge and how you will assess their learning. Further, you’ll […]
iPad Possibilities
Technology use for technology’s sake is not what we are striving for in education today. Transforming learning by providing opportunities that would not otherwise be afforded is a goal that, with emerging technologies and increased access, may be achievable. This transformation can be as simple as allowing for as-needed differentiation, as is the case when […]
Did you KNOW! District Resources…
Did you know that each district has a variety of online learning resources available… you just need to know where to look on the District Website. You’ll also need passwords for some of these – your SA, school administrator, or librarian should be able to help with this. A teaser for our upcoming ‘lesson planning’ […]