Thinking Outside the Sandbox was created in summer 2020 as the result of a collaboration between two graduate students Belén Guillemin and Nashwa Khedr, together with Yvonne Dawydiak, Learning Design Manager, Teacher Education as part of the 2020 Scarfe Sandbox team. The inspiration for the podcast series came about as Belen and Nashwa interviewed Faculty of Education faculty members to learn more about their views on interdisciplinary learning and STEAM. During the recorded interviews, they noticed some themes emerging across the separate video interviews. In order to capture these broader themes, Belen devised a script that wove together excerpts from the interviews.
Episodes were published during the 2020-2021 school year. Each episode is accompanied by a blogpost on the Scarfe Sandbox website. Happy Listening!
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Episodes (in order):
- Outdoor and Interdisciplinary Learning featuring Dr. Harley Banack, Dr. Sandrine Han: Podcast Episode 1 & Sandbox Blogpost
- Technology and Interdisciplinary Learning featuring Dr. Jennifer Jenson, Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin, Dr. Sandrine Han: Podcast Episode 2 & Sandbox Blogpost
- The Arts and Interdisciplinary Learning featuring Dr. Shannon Leddy, Dr. Marina Milner Bolotin, Dr. Sandrine Han: Podcast Episode 3 & Sandbox Blogpost
- Challenges in Interdisciplinary Learning featuring Dr. Shannon Leddy, Dr. Hartley Banack, Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin, Dr. Sandrine Han: Podcast Episode 4
- Learning about and through Food featuring Dr. Kerry Renwick, Dr. Susan Gerofsky, Dr. Lorrie Miller: Podcast Episode 5 & Sandbox Blogpost
- Textiles and Interdisciplinary Learning featuring Dr. Lorrie Miller, Dr. Kerry Renwick: Podcast Episode 6 & Sandbox Blogpost
- Math and Interdisciplinary Learning featuring Dr. Susan Gerofsky, Janice Novakowski, Dr. Cynthia Nichol: Podcast Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9 & Sandbox Blogpost
We gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by the students of UBC via a Teaching Learning Enhancement Fund grant, Weaving Together Arts and STEM. We would also like to thank the many faculty who volunteered their time to prepare for and participate in interviews leading to the podcast episodes and associated blog posts.