UBC Blog Tutorial 2 – Creating a Page
A page is a static space that is not part of the chronological logic of the blog. A page sits outside of this inverted timeline, and often features more static content like information about the site, the author, a syllabus, readings, etc. For example, you may need to create an “About me” page for your […]
Citing Research in your Blog
“The term reference is used in many spheres of human knowledge, adopting shades of meaning particular to the contexts in which it is used.” When citing other sources in your blog or website, it is very important to give ‘credit’ where credit is due (and it is always due!). For online sources, you can simply […]
Search Smarter not Harder!
Are you busy searching for articles and resources to complete your inquiry project or to support your lesson and unit planning? Did you know that the UBC Ed library has links to your school district’s online resources and resource catalogues? Visit the Resource tab in this blog for more info. You can also download this […]
Tech integration in your Math classroom
Tech integration in math class is more than bringing a graphing calculator to class nowadays. With a wealth of digital resources on the web, math class can benefit from activating strategies that bring in familiar technologies and real world problems. With technology doing the bulk of calculations and solving formulas, tech integration in education opens […]
Resource Evaluation and curation
Learning to access resources from various modalities, evaluate them based on a set of clear criteria and curate them using a personal digital library can aid students and teachers in conducting inquiry or simply preparing for class! Below, you will find a pdf file of a presentation we developed to support an inquiry based unit […]