Starting your own Professional Blog
As part of your journey in Teacher Education here at UBC, it is required that you critically reflect on your practice and develop a year-long inquiry into teaching and learning. One way to record your reflections and share your inquiry is by developing professional blog or an e-portfolio. Doing so can also provide you with […]
Learning about and through Food: podcast resource post
Food is an interdisciplinary concept that intertwines through a wide range of subjects: home economics, science, math, arts, and many more. In Episode 5 of our recently launched Thinking outside the Sandbox podcast, Dr. Kerry Renwick, Dr. Susan Gerofsky, and Dr. Lorrie Miller share their ideas and experiences with respect to food and the development […]
Studying During the Pandemic; Reflections of an International Graduate Student
Classes transitioned online about a month before the end of the semester. At first, I felt relieved from the continuous fidgeting that occurs throughout the day, the juggling between different tasks, attending classes, doing readings, working, and doing some housekeeping tasks such as grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry. However, I soon started missing meeting people! […]