Taking a Class Temperature
Taking a class temperature means checking in with students to see how they are doing. By checking the emotional temperature of the students (ex. seeing how students are feeling, their energy level, etc.) teachers can better understand what their students need and what they are capable of doing in that moment. In this way, teachers […]
Classroom Management & Relationship Building
It is of utmost importance that teachers establish the norms, cultures, and routines of the classroom from the very first day of school. Building relationships in a trusting environment (where students are given a voice and choice over their learning) is key to compliance. In this session, ideas and tools will be shared on how […]
Teaching Critical Media Literacy Skills
Canada’s 18th Media Literacy Week took place from November 23 to 27, 2023. The BC curriculum incorporates media literacy throughout the K-12 curriculum in many subject areas such as English Language Arts, Social Studies, visual arts and drama. For more details on the integration of media education in K-12 BC curriculum, visit MediaSmarts. […]
Space Exploration Resources (K-12)
Many students are fascinated by outer space and space exploration. Understanding our planet, solar system, galaxy, and beyond is part of the BC Curriculum for science at several different grade levels, including objects in the sky at grade 1, the earth’s orbit in grade 4, and tides and eclipses in Earth Sciences 11, among others. […]
A brief history… Timelines
I came across TimeToast awhile ago and was just reminded of it this morning as a tool for creating interactive digital timelines. There are many digital tools available for timeline creation – I’ve listed several in the ‘how to get started’ section below including a few open educational resources. There are also, many ways to […]