Digital Dual Language Books
They are digital books that allow students to read in multiple languages to promote literacy and language learning. Students can read in English or their First Language and either listen in their target language or their first language. We have selected several databases of free, open access digital dual language books below. None of which […]
Creating an Inclusive Environment through Digital Tech (LLED 360 – ELL)
BC’s classrooms and school populations are evolving which includes a growing number of English Language Learners who are entitled to support. To help Teacher Candidates in LLED 360 begin to consider this need, we worked with some instructors and their classes with some digital tools that will help ALL students, including ELLs. We discussed the […]
LLED 360: Meeting the needs of ALL learners
Integrating Digital Technologies in classroom practice is an ongoing ‘project’ or challenge for educators. As someone who has been teaching for over 25 years, I am still ‘on the road’ to mastery and enjoyed the opportunity to share examples and engage in critical dialogue with the teacher candidates in Christine Bridge’s LLED 360 Classroom Discourses […]
Resources for Language Learning and early literacy
Early literacy typically begins in a child’s first three years. According to this source from OISE, Toronto, literacy development follows several stages ( Foundations for Literacy Beginning Literacy Consolidation/Fluency Literacy for Growth Below are a few online resources to support early literacy: Unite for Literacy is a free open educational, multilingual non-fiction ebook website. Students […]