Group Work Strategies for All Classrooms
Teachers can feel overwhelmed trying to support the different needs of their students. A group work activity can be a perfect strategy to encourage students to work together, develop their collaboration skills, build classroom community, and support each other. What is group work? Cohen & Lotan (2014) define group work as “students working together in […]
BC Curriculum: Planning Templates
The Learning Design Blog is a resource developed by Claire Rushton, Director TEO & Yvonne Dawydiak, Learning Design Manager. We have gathered some templates from across school districts and developed some resources with faculty to support TCs in planning for practicum. As TCs develop their understanding of planning and begin to engage in designing learning […]
Learning about and through Food: podcast resource post
Food is an interdisciplinary concept that intertwines through a wide range of subjects: home economics, science, math, arts, and many more. In Episode 5 of our recently launched Thinking outside the Sandbox podcast, Dr. Kerry Renwick, Dr. Susan Gerofsky, and Dr. Lorrie Miller share their ideas and experiences with respect to food and the development […]
Be SMART Savvy! IWB’s in education
Interactive WhiteBoards (IWBs), like the SmartBoard, became commonplace in schools about a decade ago. Today, many sit idly or have been replaced by less expensive interactive (or non-interactive) projectors like the Epson. These newer projectors turn any surface into an interactive touch screen. Newer Smartboard products even include multi-touch surfaces. IWB’s afford access to a […]
Play-based Learning: introducing digital (and other) technologies
“Play is nature’s way of teaching children how to solve their own problems, control their impulses, modulate their emotions, see from others’ perspectives, negotiate differences, and get along with others as equals. There is no substitute for play as a means of learning these skills.” (Gray, 2013) Through play, children of all ages, including adolescents, […]