Lesson/Unit Planning: a guide for quick review of the essential points
This is a quick guide with questions you might ask yourself about your lesson/ unit plan to check that are considering the most essential points while planning. 1. Why do we teach..? Let’s start with this video to help us understand why thinking about the goal of your lesson/ plan is the first step to […]
BC Curriculum: Core Competencies
Understanding the Core Competencies According to the Ministry of Education, there are some essential understandings related to the Core Competencies and how they are connected with the other parts of the BC Curriculum: “The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in […]
Know Do Understand (KDU): a starting point in planning
The BC curriculum’s more concept and competency based curriculum, expects that teachers combine Big Ideas, Contents, and Competencies as they plan learning experiences for their students. The purpose is to create clear goals which will guide teachers to design assessments and activities to develop concepts and skills in their students. The “Know-Do-Understand” Model (KDU) can […]
Designing Learning: from big picture to unique experiences
On February 14th, 2019, I worked with Danny Bakan and Marjean Brown and their cohorts to help uncover ‘big picture’ planning. We worked with the TCs to demonstrate the importance of the big picture and how we might weave in unique learning experiences as we plan for teaching. This was a valuable and enjoyable opportunity […]