Webcams and Virtual Field trips: engagement and real-world connections!
Real-world experiences, even those mediated by digital technologies such as web-cams, increase student motivation, engagement and learning at all grade levels (NREL, 2005).
Digital Dual Language Books
They are digital books that allow students to read in multiple languages to promote literacy and language learning. Students can read in English or their First Language and either listen in their target language or their first language. We have selected several databases of free, open access digital dual language books below. None of which […]
Digital Whiteboards
Digital whiteboards are also known as Interactive online whiteboards. They are a blank canvas and depending on the application, you can add images, hyperlinks, draw or annotate them, upload videos, and some allow voice recording. Several allow real-time collaborative co-creation while some are more for individual use with sharing options. There are a plethora of options […]
“Explain Everything” : l’application du tableau blanc interactif
Explain Everything est une application de présentation dans le style du «tableau blanc». C’est également un puissant outil de narration et d’apprentissage qui permet aux élèves de collaborer et de travailler sur le même projet. Explain Everything permet de concevoir et créer des contenus multimédia avec la vidéo, l’audio, des images importées ou dessinées, du […]