Fostering Understandings of Culture in French Teacher Education through Technology
The digital culture of the computer has become our students’ way of learning, thinking, and communicating. Slowly but surely it has transformed what it means to learn a foreign language, what we mean when we talk of ‘communicating’, ‘negotiating meaning’, and, ultimately, ‘understanding the other’ (Kramsch, 2013 p. xii)
WestCast 2019 – A chance to explore, learn, reflect and share with others
Over the past school year, I have had the opportunity to work on a small Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) project dedicated to developing French teacher candidates understandings of technology and open education resources. Our team has conducted workshops, developed online resources on Scarfe Digital Sandbox and worked alongside French teacher candidates. As part […]
Quelle Histoire
“Quelle Histoire” permet aux plus jeunes d’explorer l’Histoire et de découvrir le patrimoine culturel mondial. “Quelle Histoire appuie sa collection, de livres et d’applications sur de «petits personnages», grandes figures de l’Histoire, auxquels les enfants peuvent facilement s’identifier. Le traitement graphique de la collection est novateur, coloré et adapté aux enfants de primaire.” (Quelle Histoire, […]
Language learning and digital technologies (dans une classe française)
We shared some activities to help spark discussion about the possibilities and considerations when incorporating digital technologies in a language learning context. I was impressed by the level of critical thinking and engagement teacher candidates were demonstrating as they participated (especially on the final day of class!). Thank you all!
Faune et Flore du Pays
Le site Faune et Flore du Pays est fondé sur la série de vignettes télévisées “La faune de l’arrière-pays”. Une série produite par le Service canadien de la faune (SCF) pour faire connaître les espèces indigènes. Dans les années ‘60 une série de fiches d’informations détaillées étaient publiées sur papier en relation avec chaque émission. […]