VideoScribe (FR)
VideoScribe est un logiciel propriétaire (*GRATUIT pour les étudiants et le personnel de UBC via Connect) disponible pour les utilisateurs OSX, Windows et IO pour produire rapidement des vidéos de haute qualité, sans expérience ni compétence spécifique. VideoScrive est livré avec une grande bibliothèque d’images et grâce à un éditeur simple et puissant audio, les […]
Stop Motion Studios (FR)
Stop Motion peut être créée de différentes manières. Aujourd’hui, il existe des applications simples pour créer des animations ! Il y a des applications qui sont accessibles en ligne et en version application. Stop Motion Animator (pour les ChromeBooks) ou l’application gratuite et simple offerte par Parapara de Mozilla. Stop Motion Studio est une application […]
Microsoft’s response to creating a more interactive presentation tool that allows users to become creators as they embed pictures, videos, and more into a customizable slidedeck. This allows Teachers to create relevant materials for introducing content and also provides students with a “digital storytelling” platform. Many students (and Teachers!) may have access to a free Microsoft Account in […]
Let this cloud-based video creation service seamlessly pair templates and music to your own choice of photos or videos for an elegant presentation. You can use it as an educator to create video slideshows or allow your students a different approach to presenting. We want to give choice to students so they have ownership over how […]
iMovie is an IOS and MacOS based video-editing tool. With iMovie, you can choose and edit previously shot videos, add titles, music and effects in only a few steps. In addition, you can access your creations from any Mac device, and you can publish or share it on various social media platforms such as Facebook, […]