Plickers – Student Response System
‘Plickers’ is a free Student Response or All-Class Response System (SRS), useful for those without access to one-to-one devices in the classroom. All you need are some downloadable and printable class cards, the Plickers app, and one handheld device. The students hold their cards up based on their answer (A, B, C, D), the teacher […]
Google Forms
Google Forms is a free and easy way to collect information from students online. Google forms allows its users to create free-answer, multiple choice, free answer, date/time, and linear scale questions and send them to other users (or students) via email. Images and videos can be attached to question and forms can be divided into […]
Kahoot! : Free Tool for Creating Learning Games !
Kahoot! is a platform for teachers to create fun, engaging learning games with little technological knowledge/skill needed. In Kahoot, you can create a series of questions combining with images, videos, diagrams, etc. The number and type of questions fully depend on your needs, and your students can get access to your learning game by simply […]
Padlet – cloud-based collaboration
UPDATE: As of April 2018, Padlet has changed to a paid subscription model. Free access is now limited to 3 boards. Once you’ve deleted a board, you can create additional boards. For those interested in exploring Open Educational options, you may wish to try a suite of apps from hosted in the ‘Sandstorm’ ecosystem […]