Designing Learning: from big picture to unique experiences
On February 14th, 2019, I worked with Danny Bakan and Marjean Brown and their cohorts to help uncover ‘big picture’ planning. We worked with the TCs to demonstrate the importance of the big picture and how we might weave in unique learning experiences as we plan for teaching. This was a valuable and enjoyable opportunity […]
WKTP: Assessing and Implementing Digital Technologies
This week, I had the privilege of meeting with WKTP (West Kootenays Teacher Ed Program) candidates in Nelson via web conference to answer their questions and support them in selecting technologies to support teaching and learning. They are preparing their inquiry presentations and will be presenting using a digital gallery-style walk so are looking for unique ways to present.
Play-based Learning: integrating digital technologies in an IB PYP classroom
By allowing students time to explore any technology (be it a digital or analogue tool such as a math manipulative), we engage their naturally curious brains, allowing them to ‘play out’ the technology. Doing so can lead to more purposeful use, peer teaching and even student-driven innovation.
Webcams and Virtual Field trips: engagement and real-world connections!
Real-world experiences, even those mediated by digital technologies such as web-cams, increase student motivation, engagement and learning at all grade levels (NREL, 2005).
Gearing up for Practicum! 2018-19
With the practicum just around the corner, we want to remind TC’s that technology integration, planning and resource selection and evaluation support is available as they plan and prepare.