Known also as fab labs, tinkering areas, or hackerspaces, makerspaces are generally areas where people can gather to make, create, and experiment with a variety of materials and tools. As the name suggests, makerspaces are spaces where people can make stuff. While these creations are often physical things, digital productions can also be included. Varying […]
Podcast Series: interdisciplinary learning
Thinking Outside the Sandbox was created in summer 2020 as the result of a collaboration between two graduate students Belén Guillemin and Nashwa Khedr, together with Yvonne Dawydiak, Learning Design Manager, Teacher Education as part of the 2020 Scarfe Sandbox team. The inspiration for the podcast series came about as Belen and Nashwa interviewed Faculty […]
Found Poems: creating poems from words around us
Found Poetry is a form of poetry created from existing texts or literature. Words or phrases are taken out, refashioned, reordered, and presented as poems with new meanings. Similar to a collage, poetry can be made from newspaper articles, magazines, letters, street signs, speeches, poems, or even textbooks. Creating found poems can support interdisciplinary learning […]
Digital-Tech Integration: podcast resource post
Digital literacy is a critical element as we look to enhance teaching and learning in today’s classrooms. In Episode 2 of our recently launched Thinking outside the Sandbox podcast, Dr. Jennifer Jenson, Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin, and Dr. Sandrine Han share their ideas and experiences with respect to digital technology integration and the development of digital […]
Phenomenal Physics & Astronomy… At Home!
Throughout the summer, the UBC Physics and Astronomy Outreach team will be introducing physics and astronomy activities that can be easily done at home and adapted for online teaching & learning. Accompanied with extensive tutorials and detailed instruction guides, the Phenomenal Physics & Astronomy at Home program is an ideal resource for teacher candidates to […]