Known also as fab labs, tinkering areas, or hackerspaces, makerspaces are generally areas where people can gather to make, create, and experiment with a variety of materials and tools. As the name suggests, makerspaces are spaces where people can make stuff. While these creations are often physical things, digital productions can also be included. Varying […]
Student-centered classrooms
What are student-centered classrooms? The following video discussed that student-centered classrooms are focused on students’ interests and curiosities. In this sense, students choose not only what but also how they will learn. Consequently, student-centered classrooms have many specific characteristics different from traditional ones. However, these features can bring many advantages to students learning. Source: Edutopia […]
Classroom Discussions
What are classroom discussions? Classroom discussion can be defined as an oral activity where teachers and students develop together a specific curriculum content or competency through each other ideas. “The purposes of a discussion are to build collective knowledge and capability in relation to specific instructional goals and to allow students to practice listening, speaking, […]
Asking questions that promote students’ deep learning
Why does crafting good questions matter? Creating/designing effective questions for students is one of the most common and powerful pedagogical strategies used by teachers during the process of teaching and learning. Good questions can benefit both teachers and students. Reinhart (2000) states that questions can… For teachers: support teacher decisions. encourage students’ participation. communicate to […]
BC Curriculum: Core Competencies
Understanding the Core Competencies According to the Ministry of Education, there are some essential understandings related to the Core Competencies and how they are connected with the other parts of the BC Curriculum: “The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in […]