Concept Maps for teaching and learning
What are concept maps? “A concept map is a type of graphic organizer used to represent knowledge of a topic, forge connections between ideas and create visual representations of one’s understandings. Concept maps begin with a main idea (or concept) and then branch out to show how that main idea can be broken down into […]
Know Do Understand (KDU): a starting point in planning
The BC curriculum’s more concept and competency based curriculum, expects that teachers combine Big Ideas, Contents, and Competencies as they plan learning experiences for their students. The purpose is to create clear goals which will guide teachers to design assessments and activities to develop concepts and skills in their students. The “Know-Do-Understand” Model (KDU) can […]
Unit Planning: one teacher’s approach
Guest post by Ariane faria-dos santos, Peer Mentor, PHD student EDCP 2022 The BC curriculum presents some challenges for teachers to plan because it requires that teachers combine Big Ideas, Contents, and Competencies. The purpose is to create clear goals which will guide teachers to design assessments and activities to develop concepts and skills in […]
Gearing up for Practicum: resources & search tips
Handout: Gearing Up Resources for TCs_Dec 23 During our session, we can help you with finding & evaluating resources to support your planning, suggest approaches to planning & teaching or work with your to get started or refine your Unit or Lesson plans. Before our session, we recommend looking at these resources to get a […]
Digital Literacy: an introduction
Digital literacy “literally” means a new way of being literate – not with books and printed materials, but now with digital materials. These skills are becoming increasingly important in an ever more digitally connected world.