Place-Based Learning: using your senses and digital tools as you experience nature
Hybrid Approaches to Facilitating High-Impact Experiences With the global pandemic, teachers are being challenged to teach online, face-to-face or both. The current situation, in addition to shifting practices in education over the past decade or more, causes us to wonder: How can we virtually facilitate high-impact, place-based learning experiences with our students? What practices might […]
Whiteboard Chat
Draw, Share, Collaborate What is it? Whiteboard Chat is a virtual whiteboard for teachers, students, remote colleagues, parents, and kids for collaborative learning. It is free to use, connects up to 100 people to a board simultaneously, and exports boards to PDF. It also enables you to easily observe and teach many user boards at […]
Watch, Share, Talk about Videos in Sync A UBC Launchpad project was recently built by UBC students as a part of a university software engineering design club. Sync is a synchronous Youtube streaming app which enables you to share, watch, and discuss videos with your friends, colleagues, and students. It is […]
A joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, iNaturalist creates an online and global network of naturalists, biologists, and plant-enthusiasts. With the goals to connect people with nature and to create a repertoire of biodiversity data, iNaturalist is a potential entry point for students (and teachers!) into the world of […]
Opportunities for Outdoor Learning: podcast resource post
The recent announcement (May 19, 2020) by the Ministry of Education, while clarifying many aspects of what schooling will look like for the balance of this school year, has also caused concern and questions for both in-service and pre-service teachers. Below, I’ve shared a few resources that might support BEd TCs as they plan for […]